Where Love Grows Poster
The invasion of Ukraine has been devastating as families are separated, evacuated, and forced to fight for their lives. If you are seeking to make a difference in the lives of others who need it now more than ever, consider purchasing our limited edition poster in which 100% of the proceeds go to the following organizations that are helping Ukrainians in need. Those organizations are UNICEF, World Central Kitchen, and International Rescue Committee.

Show Your Support
If you are not able to financially support, you can still use your voice and help the people of Ukraine by providing resources and sharing donation sites with others. We’ve created a downloadable resource you can share to your networks to spread awareness.
Other Ways To Help
If you would like to help in another way, we have compiled a list of organizations that are helping with relief. Donations can be made through their websites. Click the button below to check out our resources page for more ways you can join in the effort.
The Ukrainian Flag
The current Ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal bands of yellow and blue. These colors represent the wide blue skies and the yellow wheat fields that characterize the country.
Easter Traditions
The popular Easter egg tradition originated in Ukraine. Originally, the eggs were patterned using wax and dye. The wax was eventually removed leaving an impressive pattern with dashing colors.
Education in Ukraine
Ukraine stands 4th in the world in terms of most educated population. 99.4% of Ukrainians aged 15 and over can read and write, while 70% of adult Ukrainians have a secondary education or higher.